Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Brace-Face No Longer Geeky

By Rey Vetangelo

I once knew a young man that was famous throughout the city for his good looks. He was tall, athletic, had striking blue eyes, and a head full of curly golden hair. But most stunning of all was his pearly white teeth. He could make girls stop dead in their tracks with a simple look, but they would swoon without fail at the flash of a smile.

But over the years, the stigma behind braces has slowly dissipated. It's no longer so embarrassing to wear braces. Both adults and teens can rock the look with no damage done in the popularity polls. But do you really need braces? Here are a few things to consider.

One day at a bonfire I sidled up to him. Fortunately, I was born with eyes almost as powerful as his smile. They could reach into the soul of nearly every person. The flicker of the fire enhanced the soul-piercing powers of my eyes and I knew this could be the only chance to learn his secret. My deep brown eyes locked on his bright blue. And when I was sure I had him, I asked for the secret behind his teeth.

Does the problem really bother you every single day? Do you feel self-conscious enough about your teeth that it affects your daily happiness/comfort? Braces can be expensive and painful. Don't just get them on a whim to fix a small problem that nobody notices anyway. Take time to consider how you really feel about it and weigh the benefits versus cost.

Lasers can be used for cleaning, surgery, and other treatment. Cleaning lasers are aimed at bacteria, plaque build-up and other harmful substances. These pen-like lasers vaporize harmful oral intrusions and make cleaning easy and painless.

And what else? I urged him on. Perhaps a little genetic fortune, he admitted. (Although he couldn't say for sure.) I held my lock on his eyes. But there really was nothing more. That was it.

I sat deep in thought. Good oral hygiene on a daily basis. Brushing, flossing, mouthwash, right foods... We'd all heard that before. But perhaps here, sitting beside me was the only man around who actually abided by the dentists' rules consistently.

As you consider whether or not you should get braces, also think about costs, timing, and choosing the right orthodontist. If it looks like you will be benefiting more than sacrificing by getting braces, go for it and enjoy your new, beautiful, functional, and healthy smile!

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